Hydrogeology & Remote Sensing Professor & Department Head Current Research Interests My research focuses primarily on complex and interrelated geologic and environmental problems using field-based data, emerging techniques (remote sensing, UAVs, GIS, machine learning), numerical and physical models, and geochemical/geophysical analyses. My research has a strong focus on environmental sustainability, innovative methodologies, and addressing the impacts of climate change and hydrologic extremes on water resources. Projects address critical environmental and hydrologic challenges, aiming to develop innovative solutions for sustainability and resilience. Recent research focuses on developing decarbonization solutions (e.g., carbon capture and storage, geologic hydrogen). Education Education: Ph.D., Western Michigan University, 2008 - Hydrogeology B.S., SUNY at Buffalo, 2004 - Geology Research Research Areas: Environmental Geosciences Geophysics Research Interests: My research weaves four interconnected threads related to water resources: (1) understanding dryland processes and mechanisms (e.g., inland freshwater lenses, transmission losses, regional aquifer dynamics); (2) examines environmental change and hazards (e.g., harmful algal blooms, coastal impacts of sea level rise, sinkholes, floods); (3) analyzes the impacts and interplay of human and natural climate hydrologic systems; and (4) investigates current and past groundwater dynamics and processes (e.g., paleofloods, recharge timing). Grants: 2024-2027 Milewski, A., PI, Project Antheia: Developing Decarbonization Solutions for Georgia, Department of Energy CarbonSAFE. 2024-2026 Milewski, A., Co-PI, Assessing Compound Flood Impacts on Groundwater Levels in Coastal Urban Communities, US Coastal Research Program. 2024-2026 Milewski, A., P.I., Surficial Aquifer Response at Mission Mine Site in Georgia, Chemours. 2024-2028 Milewski, A., Co-P.I., Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Evaluation of Local and Regional Surface and Groundwater Hydrology using Alternative Conceptual Models, Chemours. 2022-2027 Milewski, A., P.I., Resilient and Sustainable Water-Resources Development Using Deep Groundwater in the Lower Flint River Basin. 2021-2024 Milewski, A., Co-P.I. - Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Evaluation of Local and Regional Surface and Groundwater Hydrology using Alternative Conceptual Models, Chemours. 2020-2024 Milewski, A., P.I. - Collaborative Research (IRES Track I): A Multi-Faceted Approach for Understanding Hydrologic Controls on Transmission Losses in Dryland Environments, National Science Foundation. 2020-2022 Milewski, A., P.I. – UAV-based Analysis of Coastal Salt Marshes, National Park Service. 2020-2022 Milewski, A., P.I. - Building a Bridge to Planetary Science Research – Investigating Fluvial & Aeolian Interactions in Hyper-Arid Deserts, UGA Franklin College. 2018-2021 Milewski, A., P.I. – Hydrologic and Landscape Analysis within the Southeast, National Fish and Wildlife Service (NFWS). 2019-2020 Milewski, A., Co-P.I. – (PI – Ellen McCullough) – Understanding the Dynamics of Agropastoral Decision-Making in Response to Changing Water Infrastructure and Climate Change. 2018-2019 Milewski, A., P.I. – Ground Validation of Remote Sensing-based Precipitation Products in Kuwait, Kuwait University, (2018-2019) 2017-2020 Milewski, A., P.I. – Hydrologic Inventory and Assessment of NWRs, National Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), (2017-2020) 2017-2019 Milewski, A., P.I. – Impacts of Hydrologic Extremes on Natural Resources, National Parks Service (NPS), (2017-2019) 2017-2018 Milewski, A., Co-P.I. – (PI – Liz Kramer; University of Georgia) - Capacity Building for Research and Training for Food System Sustainability and Security, University of Georgia, (2017-2018) 2016-2018 Milewski, A., P.I. – Water Resource Inventories and Assessments for National Wildlife Refuges within the Southeast Region, National Fish and Wildlife Service (NFWS), (2016-2018) 2016-2017 Milewski, A., Co-P.I., (PI – David Leigh; University of Georgia) – Investigating the Paleohydrology and Flood Risk in the Southeastern US, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), (2016-2018) 2016-2017 Milewski, A., P.I. – Multi-Touch Open Education Resources (OER): A New Pedagogy for Geoscience Education and Research, Learning Technologies Grants, (2015-2016) 2016-2021 Milewski, A., P.I., ERASMUS+ Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility, European Union ERASMUS program, (2016-2021) 2015-2016 Milewski, A., P.I. - Utilizing NASA Earth Observations to Monitor Sinkhole Development and Identify Risk Areas, NASA DEVELOP, (2015-2016) 2014-2015 Milewski, A., P.I. – ARCHES: An Innovative Workshop Combining Hydrogeology, Satellite Remote Sensing/GIS, and Modeling to Better Understand Water Resources, KAUST Winter Enrichment Program, (2014-2015) 2013-2014 Milewski, A., P.I., Assessment and Characterization of TRMM Satellite Precipitation Products in Varying Climatic, Topographic, and Hydrologic Regimes, University of Georgia Provost Summer Fund, (2013-2014) 2012-2014 Milewski, A., Co-P.I., (PI – Alan Fryar; University of Kentucky) – Building Opportunity Out of Science and Technology (BOOST): Helping Hydrologic Research (H2O) in Indonesia and Turkey, US State Department – Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, (2012-2014) 2012-2013 Milewski, A., P.I., Using Radar Interferometry (InSAR) to Evaluate Land Subsidence Caused by Excessive Groundwater Withdrawal in Morocco, University of Georgia Provost Summer Fund, (2012-2013) 2011-2013 Milewski, A., Co-P.I., (PI – Alan Fryar (University of Kentucky) – Building Opportunity Out of Science and Technology (BOOST): Energizing Young Middle Eastern and North African Scientists – Enhancing Capacity for Water Resource Studies in Egypt and Morocco, US State Department, (2011-2013; Total) 2011-2015 Milewski, A., Co-I., (PI - Mohamed Sultan) - Use of GRACE, Remote Sensing, and Traditional Datasets for Modeling Time-Dependent Water Partitioning on Continental Scales: A Case Study from Africa, Funded by NASA. (2011-2015) 2010-2013 Milewski, A., Co-P.I., (PI –Mohamed Sultan) - Detailed Studies on Landslides in Jazan Area (Saudi Arabia), Saudi Geological Survey, (2010-2013) 2010-2011 Milewski, A., Co-P.I., (PI - Ahmad Al-Dousari) - Groundwater Potentiality Studies in Kuwait, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, (2010) 2009-2011 Milewski, A., Co-P.I., (PI – Richard Laton), Identifying Areas for Artificial Recharge in the Mojave Desert, Mojave Water Agency & University of California State at Fullerton, (2009-2012) 2009-2010 Milewski,A., P.I., Hydroinformatics: Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Hydrology, Funded by Western Michigan University, (2009-2010) 2008-2010 Milewski,A., P.I, Developing Cost-effective Methodologies for Groundwater Assessment and Exploration in Sinai, Funded by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in cooperation with USDA, (2008-2010) Selected Publications Selected Publications: * Denotes student-authored manuscript *Zowam, F., Milewski, A., and Richards, D., IV, 2023, A Satellite-Based Approach for Quantifying Terrestrial Water Cycle Intensity, Remote Sensing, 15(14), 3632. Milewski, A., Lezzaik, K., and Rotz, R., 2020, Sensitivity Analysis of the Groundwater Risk Index in the Middle East and North Africa Region, Environmental Processes, 7, 53-71. Milewski, A., Seyoum, W., Elkadiri, R., and Durham, M., 2020, Multi-Scale Hydrologic Sensitivity to Climatic and Anthropogenic Changes in Morocco, Geosciences, 10(1), 13. Milewski, A., Thomas, M., Seyoum, W., and Rasmussen, T., 2019, Spatial Downscaling of GRACE TWSA Data to Identify Spatiotemporal Groundwater Level Trends in the Upper Floridan Aquifer, Georgia, USA, Remote Sensing, 11(23), 2756. *Richards, IV., D., Milewski, A., Gregory, B., 2022, The Use of Airborne LiDAR in Assesssing Coastal Erosion in the Southeastern USA, Journal of Geographical Research, 5(3), 22-40. *Rotz, R., Milewski, A., and Rasmussen, T., 2020, Transient Evolution of Inland Freshwater Lenses: Comparison of Numerical and Physical Experiments, Water, 12(4), 1154. *Knapp, A., and Milewski, A., 2020, When Blooms Like it Stormy: Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Harmful Algal Blooms in Freshwater Reservoirs, Water, 12(2), 404. *Cahalan, M., and Milewski, A., 2018, Sinkhole Formation Dynamics and Geostatistical-Based Prediction Analysis in a Mantled Karst Terrain, CANTENA, In Press. *Lezzaik, K., Milewski, A., and Mullen, J., 2018, The Groundwater Risk Index: Development and Application in the Middle East and North Africa Region, Science of the Total Environment, In Press. Wehbe, Y., Temimi, M., Ghebreyesus, D., Milewski, A., and Norouzi, H., 2018, Consistency of Precipitation Products over the Arabian Peninsula and Interactions with Soil Moisture and Water Storage, Hydrological Sciences, In Press. *Lezzaik, K., and Milewski, A., 2018, A Quantitative Assessment of Groundwater Resources in the Middle East and North Africa Region, Hydrogeology, 26:251, DOI 10.1007/s10040-017-1646-5. *Seyoum, W., and Milewski, A., 2017, Improved Methods for Estimating Local Terrestrial Water Dynamics from GRACE in the Northern High Plains, Advances in Water Resources, 110, 279-290, DOI 10.1016/j.advwatres.2017.10.021 Wehbe, Y., Ghebreyesus, D., Temimi, M., and Milewski, A., 2017, Assessment of the Consistency among Global Precipitation Products over the United Arab Emirates, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 12, 122-135. *Seyoum, W., and Milewski, A., 2016, Monitoring and Comparison of Terrestrial Water Storage Changes in the Northern High Plains using GRACE and In-situ Based Integrated Hydrologic Models, Advances in Water Resources, 94, 31-44. Milewski, A., El Kadiri, R., and Durham, M., 2015, Assessment and Intercomparison of TMPA Satellite Precipitation Products in Varying Climatic and Topographic Regimes in Morocco, Remote Sensing, v. 7, 5697-5717. *Seyoum, W., Milewski, A., and Durham, M., 2015, Assessment of the Relative Impact of Natural Processes and Human Activities on the Hydrology of the Central Rift Valley Lakes, Ethiopia, Hydrologic Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10490. *Dailey, D., Sauck, W., Sultan, M., Milewski, A., Ahmed, M., Laton, R., El Kadiri, R., Foster, J., Schmidt, C., Al Harbi, T., 2015, Geophysical, Remote Sensing, GIS, and Isotopic Applications for a Better Understanding of the Structural Controls on Groundwater Flow in the Mojave Desert, California, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, v. 3, 211-232. Milewski, A., Sultan, M., Al-Dousari, A., and Yan, E., 2014, Geologic and Hydrologic Settings for Development of Freshwater Lenses in Arid Lands, Hydrologic Processes, v. 7(1), 3185-3194. Abouelmagd, A., Sultan, M., Sturchio, N., Soliman, F., Rashed, M., Ahmed, M., Kehew, A., Milewski, A., and Chouinard, K., 2014, Paleoclimate Record in the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, Quaternary Research, v. 81(1), 158-167. *Alharbi, T., Sultan, M., Sefry, S., El Kadiri, R., Ahmed, M., Chase, R., Milewski, A., Abu Abdullah, M., Emil, M., and Chouinard, K., 2014, An Assessment of Landslide Distribution in the Faifa Area, Saudi Arabia Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Sciences, 6685-6717. Sultan, M., Ahmed, M., Sturchio, N., Yan, E., Milewski, A., Becker, R., Wahr, J., Becker, D., and Chouinard, K., 2013, Assessment of the Vulnerabilities of the Nubian Sandstone Fossil Aquifer; North Africa, In: Climate Vulnerability, Volume 5, Pgs. 311-333. *Becker, D., Sultan, M., Milewski, A., Becker, R., Sauck, W., Soliman, F., Rashed, M., Yan, E., Wagdy, A., Ahmed, M., Chouinard, K., and Welton, B., 2012, Integrated Solutions for Hydrologic Investigations in Arid Lands, Geosphere, (v8), 1588-1605. Abouelmagd, A., Sultan, M., Milewski, A., Kehew, A., Sturchio, N., Soliman, F., Krishnamurthy, R.V., Cutrim, E., 2012. Towards a better understanding of Palaeoclimatic regimes that recharged the fossil aquifers in North Africa: Inferences from stable isotope and remote sensing data. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v 329-300, 137-149 pp. Milewski, A., Sultan, M., Yan, E., Becker, R., Abdeldayem, A.W., and Gelil, K.A., 2009, Remote Sensing Solutions for Estimating Runoff and Recharge in Arid Environments, Journal of Hydrology, 373, 1-14. Milewski, A., Sultan, M., Markondiah Jayaprakash, S., Balekai, R., and Becker, R., 2009, RESDEM, a Tool for Integrating Temporal Remote Sensing Data for use in Hydrogeologic Investigations, Journal of Computers and Geosciences, 35, 2001-2010. Courses Taught Courses Regularly Taught: GEOL 1120 GEOL 3020 / 3020L GEOL 4220 / 6220 GEOL 8720