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Avishek Dutta

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Geomicrobiology, Assistant Professor, Geology & SREL

My research focuses on exploring life in extreme and unexplored environments with a broader goal of understanding the origin of life, microbial adaptation/evolution, and extraterrestrial life. My research uses multi-omics approaches and machine learning-based models to understand the role of microbes in the Earth system.

My current research activities include looking at anthropogenic impacts on biogeochemical cycles. We are also developing bioinformatics tools and streamlined pipelines for data mining and extracting information from sequence-based data. Some of the research themes that my lab focuses on are:

  1. Microbial community function in extreme environments
  2. Role of viruses and eukaryotic microorganisms in ecosystem function and service
  3. Astrobiology
  4. Role of microbes in fate and transport of contaminants
  5. Impact of climate change on biogeochemical cycles

Research opportunities at Dutta Lab

  • Ph.D., Geomicrobiology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India, 2019
  • M.Tech, Environmental Biotechnology, Jadavpur University, India, 2014
  • B.Tech, Biotechnology, West Bengal University of Technology, India, 2012
Research Interests:
  • Geomicrobiology
  • Microbial ecology
  • Bioinformatics
  • Machine Learning
Selected Publications:

(# student’s publication from Geomicrobiology Lab)


Connors, E., Dutta, A., Trinh, R., Erazo, N., Dasarathy, S., Ducklow, H., Weissman, J.L., Yeh, Y-C  Schofield, O., Steinberg, D., Fuhrman, J., Bowman, J.S. (2024) Microbial community composition predicts bacterial production across ocean ecosystems, The ISME Journal, Volume 18, Issue 1, January 2024, wrae158, 

Basapuram, G.#, Duttagupta, S., Dutta, A., 2024. Detection and Screening of Organic Contaminants in A Riverine System of Georgia using Non-Targeted Analysis. Environments, 11, 89.


Dutta, A., Connors, E., Trinh, R., Erazo, N., Dasarathy, S., Ducklow, H.W., Steinberg, D.K., Schofield, O.M. and Bowman, J.S., 2023. Depth drives the distribution of microbial ecological functions in the coastal western Antarctic Peninsula. Frontiers in Microbiology14, p.1494.


Dutta, A., Goldman, T., Keating, J., Burke, E., Williamson, N., Dirmeier, R., & Bowman, J. S. (2022). Machine learning predicts biogeochemistry from microbial community structure in a complex model system. Microbiology Spectrum.


Erazo, N. G., Dutta, A., & Bowman, J. S. (2021). From microbial community structure to metabolic inference using paprica. STAR Protocols, 2(4), 101005.

Sahu, R., Kazy, S., Bose, H., Mandal, S., Dutta, A., Saha, A., Roy, S., Duttagupta, S., Mukherjee, A., Sar, P. (2021) Microbial diversity and function in crystalline basement beneath the Deccan Traps explored in a 3-km borehole at Koyna, western India. Environmental microbiology. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.15867

Dutta, A., Valle, F., Goldman, T., Keating, J., Burke, E., Williamson, N., Dirmeier, R., & Bowman, J. S. (2021). Detection of sulfate-reducing bacteria as an indicator for successful mitigation of sulfide production. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, AEM 01748-21.

Pal, S., Dutta, A., Sarkar, J., Roy, A., Sar, P., & Kazy, S. K. (2021) Exploring the diversity and hydrocarbon bioremediation potential of microbial community in the waste sludge of Duliajan oil field, Assam, India.  Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 50074–50093.

Duttagupta, S.*, Bhanja, S.N.*, Dutta, A.*, Sarkar, S.*, Chakraborty, M., Ghosh, A., Mondal, D., & Mukherjee, A.* (2021) Impact of Covid-19 Lockdown on Availability of Drinking Water in the Arsenic-Affected Ganges River Basin. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 2832.(* contributed equally)

Klempay, B., Arandia-Gorostidi, N., Dekas, A. E., Bartlett, D. H., Carr, C. E., Doran, P. T., Dutta,  A. ... & Bowman, J. S. (2021) Microbial diversity and activity in Southern California salterns and bitterns: analogues for remnant ocean worlds. Environmental microbiology. 10.1111/1462-2920.15499, 23, 7, (3335-3344)


Dutta, A., Smith, B., Goldman, T., Walker, L., Streets, M., Eden, B., ... & Bowman, J. S. (2020) Understanding microbial community dynamics in up-flow bioreactors to improve mitigation strategies for oil souring, Frontiers in microbiology, 11

Gupta, A., Dutta, A., Panigrahi, M. K., & Sar, P. (2020). Geomicrobiology of Mine Tailings from Malanjkhand Copper Project, India. Geomicrobiology Journal, 1-18.

Bose, H., Dutta, A., Roy, A., Gupta, A., Mukhopadhyay, S., Mohapatra, B., Sarkar, J., Roy, S., Kazy, S. K., & Sar, P. (2020). Microbial diversity of drilling fluids from 3000m deep Koyna pilot borehole provides insights into the deep biosphere of continental earth crust. Scientific Drilling, 27, 1-23

Duttagupta, S., Mukherjee, A., Das, K., Dutta, A., Bhattacharya, A., & Bhattacharya, J. (2020). Groundwater vulnerability to pesticide pollution assessment in the alluvial aquifer of Western Bengal basin, India using overlay and index method. Geochemistry, 125601.


Dutta, A., Peoples, L. M., Gupta, A., Bartlett, D. H., & Sar, P. (2019). Exploring the piezotolerant/piezophilic microbial community and genomic basis of piezotolerance within the deep subsurface Deccan traps. Extremophiles, 1-13.

Dutta, A., Sar, P., Sarkar, J., Dutta Gupta, S., Gupta, A., Bose, H., ... & Roy, S. (2019). Archaeal communities in deep terrestrial subsurface underneath the Deccan traps, India. Frontiers in microbiology, 10, 1362.


Dutta, A., Dutta Gupta, S., Gupta, A., Sarkar, J., Roy, S., Mukherjee, A., & Sar, P. (2018). Exploration of deep terrestrial subsurface microbiome in Late Cretaceous Deccan traps and underlying Archean basement, India. Scientific Reports 8(1), 17459.

Gupta, A., Dutta, A., Sarkar, J., Panigrahi, M. K., & Sar, P.  (2018). Low-abundance members of the Firmicutes facilitate bioremediation of soils impacted by highly acidic mine drainage from the Malanjkhand Copper Project, India. Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 2882.

Roy, A., Sar, P, Sarkar, J., Dutta, A., Sarkar, P., Gupta, A., Mohapatra, B., Pal, S., & Kazy, S. K. (2018). Petroleum hydrocarbon rich oil refinery sludge of North-East India harbours anaerobic, fermentative, sulfate-reducing, syntrophic and methanogenic microbial populations. BMC Microbiology, 18,151.

Roy, A., Dutta, A., Pal, S., Gupta, A., Sarkar, J., Chatterjee, A., ... & Kazy, S. K. (2018). Biostimulation and bioaugmentation of native microbial community accelerated bioremediation of oil refinery sludge. Bioresource Technology, 253, 22-32.


Dutta, A.*, Ghosh, S.*, Choudhury, J. D., Mahansaria, R., Roy, M., Ghosh, A. K., ... & Mukherjee, J. (2017). Isolation of indigenous Staphylococcus sciuri from chromium-contaminated paddy field and its application for reduction of Cr (VI) in rice plants cultivated in pots. Bioremediation Journal, 21(1), 30-37. (* contributed equally)

Gupta, A., Dutta, A., Sarkar, J., Paul, D., Panigrahi, M. K., & Sar, P. (2017). Metagenomic exploration of microbial community in mine tailings of Malanjkhand copper project, India. Genomics Data, 12, 11-13.


Sarkar, J., Kazy, S. K., Gupta, A., Dutta, A., Mohapatra, B., Roy, A., ... & Sar, P. (2016). Biostimulation of indigenous microbial community for bioremediation of petroleum refinery sludge. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7, 1407.


Patel, M., Dutta, A., & Huang, H. (2011). A selective adenosine sensor derived from a triplex DNA aptamer. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 400(9), 3035-3040.

Book Chapter:

Sar, P., Dutta, A., Bose, H., Mandal, S., & Kazy, S. K. (2019). Deep Biosphere: Microbiome of the Deep Terrestrial Subsurface. In Microbial Diversity in Ecosystem Sustainability and Biotechnological Applications (pp. 225-265). Springer, Singapore.

Courses Regularly Taught:
Articles Featuring Avishek Dutta


MDPI - Water: "Machine Learning Models for Mapping Groundwater Pollution Risk: Advancing Water Security and Sustainable Development Goals in Georgia, USA."

Communication Biology: "Light cues drive community-wide transcriptional shifts in the hypersaline South Bay Salt Works."




The rapid-response research investigates Hurricane Helene’s impact on the Oconee River watershed, a vital water source for Athens-Clarke County, Georgia. 

Dr. Avishek Dutta is a co-author for a new publication in the ISME.

Environments: "Detection and Screening of Organic Contaminants in A Riverine System of Georgia using Non-Targeted Analysis"


Publication entitled: Depth drives the distribution of microbial ecological functions in the coastal western Antarctic Peninsula.

Events featuring Avishek Dutta
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom

Speaker: Avishek Dutta

Host: Bruce Railsback

This is a hybrid event, if you are unable to join us in person please join via zoom. …

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