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Mattia Pistone

Vesuvius from the series of 18 paintings (oil on canvas) by Andy Warhol (1985). This painting shows Mt Vesuvius (in red) and Mount Somma (in blue).
Petrology & Volcanology
Assistant Professor

I am an enthusiastic academic researcher, project leader, and research instructor. My overall research interests and skills include experimental, analytical, and field-based geology, petrology, volcanology, and mechanics of multiphase magmas and volatiles in the Earth’s interior. I have fieldwork experience in a broad range of environments, ranging from sedimentary to metamorphic, from plutonic to volcanic. I am skilful in high-pressure and high-temperature experimentation and multiple micro-analytical techniques, including tomographic microscopy, to address chemical and physical aspects of:

1) Multiphase magma rheology

2) Fluid migration in magmas

3) Magma degassing, transport, unrest, and eruption

4) Magma differentiation and evolution of the Earth's lithosphere.

I apply a creative approach transcending traditional disciplinary boundaries in my research and in my lectures.

Currently, my my new experimental Petrology and Volcanology Laboratory MAGMA MIA is under construction... coming soon!

  • Italian National Scientific Habilitation, 2018 - Eligible for Associate Professorship in Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology, Volcanology, Georesources in the Italian University Framework
  • Ph.D., ETH-Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2012 - Earth Science
  • M.S., University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, 2008, Geodynamics, Geophysics, Volcanology
  • B.S., Università G. D'Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara, Italy, 2006 - Geological Sciences
Research Areas:
Research Interests:
  • Multiphase Magma Rheology in Earth’s Crust and Volcanic Systems

Magma FlowDuring my PhD research studies at ETH-Zurich (Switzerland), I investigated the rheology of crystal- and bubble-bearing magmas using high-pressure and high-temperature experimentation. I quantified the simultaneous influence of gas bubbles and crystals on the rheology of multiphase magmas. The major results show that: i) the limited presence of exsolved gas diminishes viscosity of crystal-rich mushes (> 50 vol%) by four order of magnitude, with a consequent increase of their rheological mobility during transport and emplacement in the Earth’s crust, ii) the gas extraction during deformation of crystal-poor systems (< 50 vol%) favours an increase of viscosity with increasing deformation rate, which ultimately leads to magma fragmentation. This research represents the first milestone of my academic career allowing me to be able of combining both chemical and physical parameters to address the physics of magma transport, emplacement, and eruption.

Learn more in:


Caricchi L., Pommier A., Pistone M., Castro J., Burgisser A., Perugini D., Strain-induced magma degassing: insights from simple-shear experiments on bubble bearing melts. Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 73, p. 1245-1257, doi10.1007/s00445-011-0471-2


Cordonnier B., Caricchi L., Pistone M., Castro J., Hess K.-U., Gottschaller S., Manga M., Dingwell D.B., Burlini L., The viscous-brittle transition of crystal-bearing silicic melt: Direct observation of magma rupture and healing. Geology, v. 40, p. 611-615,

Pistone M., Caricchi L., Ulmer P., Burlini L., Ardia P., Reusser E., Marone F., Arbaret L., Deformation experiments of bubble- and crystal-bearing magmas: rheological and microstructural analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research, Issue B5, v. 117, doi:10.1029/2011JB008986


Pistone M., Caricchi L., Ulmer P., Reusser E., Ardia P., Rheology of volatile-bearing crystal mushes: mobilization vs. viscous death. Chemical Geology, v. 345, p. 16-39,


Shields J., Mader H.M., Pistone M., Floess D., Caricchi L., Putlitz B., Strain-induced outgassing of crystal- and bubble-bearing magmas. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 119, Issue 9, doi:10.1002/2014JB011111


Pistone M., Caricchi L., Cordonnier B., Ulmer P., Marone F., The viscous to brittle transition in bubble- and crystal-bearing magmas. Frontiers in Earth Sciences – Volcanology, v. 3, doi:10.3389/feart.2015.00071


Shields J., Mader H.M., Caricchi L., Tuffen H., Mueller S., Pistone M., Baumgartner L., Unravelling textural heterogeneity in obsidian: shear-induced outgassing in the Rocche Rosse flow. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 310, p. 137-158,

Pistone M., Cordonnier B., Ulmer P., Caricchi L., Rheological flow laws for multiphase magmas: an empirical approach. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 321, p. 158-170,


Pistone M., Whittington A.G., Andrews B.J., Cottrell E., Crystal-rich lava dome extrusion during vesiculation: an experimental study. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 347, p. 1-14,


Pistone M, Formo E, Whittington AG, Herbst T, Cottrell E (2022) Direct nanoscale observations of degassing-induced crystallisation in felsic magmas. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 177, 38,


  • Fluid Transfer during Magma Mixing and Rock-Rock Interaction

Magma Mixing

During my first postdoc fellowship for which I received independent funds, I explored the chemical and physical conditions of volatile transfer during interaction of magmas of different composition and crystallinity. The transfer of volatiles is dictated by gradients of volatile concentrations between two interacting systems and, during volatile migration by diffusion from one magma to another, the liquidus temperature swings as response of volatile depletion, inducing simultaneous crystallisation in the system releasing volatiles, and partial melting of the system affected by volatile addition. The most outstanding result of this process named as “chemical quenching” is the experimental replication of unidirectional solidification textures or comb layering, commonly found in plutonic rocks and ore deposits that fascinated the scientific community for several decades. Following this research line and similar experimental design, I also explored how fluids (water and melt) influence chemical and textural changes of pervaded rocks during transport and how they chemically react with surrounding minerals. Fluid transfer can be effective in causing textural changes without changing the bulk chemistry of the pervaded rock. Diffusion of water and migration of limited amount of melt can be chemically stealthy and, thus, remain cryptic when studying natural rocks.

Learn more in:


Pistone M., Blundy J.D., Brooker R.A., EIMF, Textural and chemical consequences of interaction between hydrous mafic and felsic magmas: an experimental study. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 171, doi:10.1007/s00410-015-1218-4


Pistone M., Blundy J.D., Brooker R.A., EIMF, Water transfer during magma mixing events: insights into melt segregation from felsic crystal mushes. American Mineralogist, v. 102, p. 766-776,


Pistone M., Racek M., Štípska P., Effects of diffusion of water and migration of melts in crustal rocks: an experimental study. Chemical Geology, in press,


Jarvis P.A., Pistone M., Secretan A., Blundy J.D., Cashman K.V., Mader H.M., Baumgartner L.P., Crystal and volatile controls on the mixing and mingling of magmas. AGU-Wiley Book,


  • In-Situ & Time-Resolved / -Elapsed Vesiculation and Crystallisation in Magmas


Since my PhD studies, I have adopted experimental approach at the forefront, which includes in-situ, real-time observation of magma vesiculation at high temperature at the synchrotron source or using STEM facility. I also contributed to the technological design, development, construction of high-temperature furnaces for these experiments. This experimental approach allows performing experiments that capture the kinetics of vesiculation of magmas “on-air” and allows overcoming the typical challenges of reconstructing dynamic processes based on post-experiment analyses alone. This experience gave me the opportunity to design new pioneering investigations and work side by side with technicians, external contractors, and scientists from research fields other than Earth Sciences.

Learn more in:


Fife, J.L., Rappaz M., Pistone M., Celcer T., Mikuljan G., Stampanoni M., Development of a laser-based heating system for in-situ synchrotron-based X-ray tomographic microscopy. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, v. 19, p. 352-358, doi:10.1107/S0909049512003287


Madonna C., Quintal B., Frehner M., Almqvist B.S.V., Tisato N., Pistone M., Marone F., Saenger E., Synchrotron-based X-ray tomographic microscopy for rock microstructure investigations, Geophysics, v. 78, D53-D64, doi:10.1190/geo2012-0113.1


Pistone M., Arzilli F., Dobson K.J., Cordonnier B., Reusser E., Ulmer P., Marone F., Whittington A.G., Mancini L., Fife J.L., Blundy J.D., Gas-driven filter pressing in magmas: insights into in situ melt segregation from crystal mushes. Geology, v. 43, p. 699-702,

Pistone M., Caricchi L., Fife J.L., Mader K., Ulmer P., In situ X-ray tomographic microscopy observations of vesiculation of bubble-free and bubble-bearing magmas. Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 77, doi:10.1007/s00445-015-0992-1


Kudrna-Prašek M., Pistone M., Baker D.R., Sodini N., Marinoni N., Lanzafame G., Mancini L., A compact and flexible induction furnace for in-situ X-ray microradiograhy and computed microtomography at Elettra: characterisation and first tests. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, v. 25, doi:10.1107/S1600577518005970


Pistone M., Fife J.L., Tisato N., Caricchi L., Reusser E., Ulmer P., Mader K., Marone F., Seismic attenuation during magma vesiculation: A combination of laboratory constraints and modeling. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 48, e2020GL092315, https://


Pistone M, Formo E, Whittington AG, Herbst T, Cottrell E (2022) Direct nanoscale observations of degassing-induced crystallisation in felsic magmas. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 177, 38,


  • Melt Percolation Processes in Crustal Rocks

Gas Filter Pressing

Since my postdoctoral stage, I investigated the chemical and physical conditions at which residual melts from partially crystallised magmas can infiltrate within rocks, ascend through the crust, and become eruptible at Earth’s surface. In particular, I investigated the role of volatiles in driving melt extraction from crystal-rich magmas or mushes. For instance, I experimentally determined the optimal conditions of melt extraction driven by gas filter pressing during magma cooling and by water diffusion during magma mixing. The experimental observations have offered precious insights into the generation of crystal-poor melts and their efficiency to be mobilised and become eruptible at active volcanoes.

Learn more in:


Pistone M., Arzilli F., Dobson K.J., Cordonnier B., Reusser E., Ulmer P., Marone F., Whittington A.G., Mancini L., Fife J.L., Blundy J.D., Gas-driven filter pressing in magmas: insights into in situ melt segregation from crystal mushes. Geology, v. 43, p. 699-702,


Pistone M., Blundy J.D., Brooker R.A., EIMF, Water transfer during magma mixing events: insights into melt segregation from felsic crystal mushes. American Mineralogist, v. 102, p. 766-776,


Pistone M., Racek M., Štípska P., Effects of diffusion of water and migration of melts in crustal rocks: an experimental study. Chemical Geology, in press,

Pistone M., Baumgartner L.P., Bégué F., Jarvis P., Bloch E., Robyr M., Müntener O., Sisson T.W., Blundy J.D., Felsic melt and gas mobilisation during magma solidification: An experimental study at 1.1 kbar. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 175,


Ryan A., Hansen L.N., Zimmermann M.E., Pistone M., Melt migration in crystal mushes by viscous fingering: insights from high-temperature, high-pressure experiments. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 127, e2022JB024447,


  • Volcanic Arc Systems and Volcanic Degassing

KanagaDifferentiation and transport of mantle-derived, hydrous, basaltic magmas is a fundamental process that produces the evolved intermediate to silica-rich magmas that form the Earth’s crust. During my “overseas” postdoctoral period, I focused my research on the the influence of water and oxygen fugacity on the fractional crystallization or liquid line of descent of hydrous (i.e., water-bearing) basalts in order to evaluate the switch between calc-alkaline (“Fe-poor”) and tholeiitic (“Fe-rich”) magmatic trends at shallow crustal levels. The experimental effort was accompanied by a unique field mission in the Western Aleutians in September 2015. During this incredible geological adventure, I sampled many kilos of volcanic rocks and helped with installing novel equipment for seismic stations to monitor the nine volcanoes I explored between Buldir (westermost island) and Kanaga (eastermost island).

Learn more in:


Zellmer G.F., Pistone M., Iizuka Y., Andrews B.J., Gomez-Tuena A., Straub S.M., Cottrell E., Petrogenesis of antecryst-bearing arc basalts from the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt: insights into along-arc variations in magma ponding depths, H2O contents, and surface heat flux. American Mineralogist, v. 101, p. 2405-2422,


Pistone M., Taisne B., Dobson K.J., Editorial: Volumes, Timescales, and Frequency of Magmatic Processes in the Earth’s Lithosphere. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 118, doi:10.3389/feart.2020.00118

Pistone M., Caricchi L., Ulmer P., CO2 favours the accumulation of excess fluids in felsic magmas. Terra Nova, 2020;00:1-9.


  • Pluton Emplacement and Earth's Crust Construction and Architecture

MastalloneMultidiplinary investigation using fieldwork, analysis of natural rocks, and rock physics modelling help determine magma emplacement mechanism in the lower crust. Specifically, I conducted fieldwork in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (Italy) to study the Permian Mafic Complex and unravel the physical and chemical architecture and construction of a large mafic body by repetitive emplacement of sills. Currently, I am applying 3D rock fabric analysis using micro-tomography data with TomoFab open-source MATLAB package to determine shape preferred orientation (SPO) of rock-forming elements, including minerals, aggregates, and pores. This research is part of the large-scale research initiative DIVE of ICDP, for which I am one of the six leading PIs:

Learn more in:


Pistone M., Müntener O., Ziberna L., Hetényi G., Zanetti A., Report on the ICDP Workshop DIVE (Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE). Scientific Drilling, v. 23, p. 47-56,


Petri B., Almqvist B.S.G., Pistone M., 3D rock fabric analysis using micro-tomography: an introduction to the open source TomoFab Matlab code. Computers & Geosciences, v. 138, 104444,

Scarponi M., Hetényi G., Berthet T., Baron L., Manzotti P., Petri B., Pistone M., Müntener O., New gravity data and 3D density model constraints on the Ivrea Geophysical Body (Western Alps). Geophysical Journal International, ggaa263,

Pistone M., Ziberna L., Hetényi G., Scarponi M., Zanetti A., Müntener O., Joint geophysical-petrological modeling on the Ivrea geophysical body beneath Valsesia, Italy: Constraints on the continental lower crust. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21, e2020GC009397,


Hetényi G., Baron L., Scarponi M., Subedi S., Michailos K., Dal F., Gerle A., Petri B., Zwahlen J., Langone A., Greenwood A., Ziberna L., Pistone M., Zanetti A., Müntener O. (2024) Report on an open dataset to constrain the Balmuccia peridotite body (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy) through a participative gravity-modelling challenge. Swiss Journal of Geoscience, 117,


  • Volcanoes and Life


In recent time, I have interacted with microbiologists and biogeochemists within the large network of Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) to address fundamental questions on: 1) how volcanoes and life are linked and how they modulate carbon fluxes on Earth, and 2) how deep life can be in the Earth’s interior.

Learn more in:


Morrison S., Pistone M., Kohl L., Studying Yellowstone by integrating deep carbon science. EOS, v. 98,

Pistone M., Müntener O., Ziberna L., Hetényi G., Zanetti A., Report on the ICDP Workshop DIVE (Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE). Scientific Drilling, v. 23, p. 47-56,


Cardace D., Bower D.J., Daniel I., Ionescu A., Mikhail S., Pistone M., Zahirovic S., Editorial: Deep Carbon Science. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 611295, https://doi:10.3389/feart.2020.611295


Zahirovic S, Eleish A, Doss S, Pall J, Cannon J, Pistone M, Tetley MG, Young A, Fox P (2022) Subduction and carbonate platform interactions. Geoscience Data Journal, 2022:00, 1-13, https://doi:10.1002/gdj3.146


Sarmiento F.O., Haller A., Marchant C., Yoshida M., Leigh D.S., Woosnam K., Porinchu D.F., Gandhi K., King E.G., Pistone M., Kavoori A., Calabria J., Alcántara-Ayala I., Chávez R., Gunya A., Yépez A., Lee S., Reap J. (2023) 4D Global Montology: Toward convergent and transdisciplinary mountain sciences across time and space. Pirineos, 178, e075,


Currently, I am constructing the new experimental Petrology and Volcanology Laboratory MAGMA MIA in the Hydrothermal Building of UGA:











Artistic logo made by graduated student Grace Elizabeth Cantele.


Research Grants:

2023      The excess gas paradox at volcanoes: does CO2 favor gas accumulation in mafic magmas?, National Science Foundation – Division of Earth Science – Petrology and Geochemistry (Award #2322935) [US$ 442,241] Role: PI

2022      To be or not be in the Earth? Carbon cycle in the continental crust, M.G. Michael Award, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, University of Georgia [US$ 3,000] Role: PI

2022      Tracking Mercury Pollution Sources: Developing an Analytical Method for Measuring Stable Mercury Isotopes in Environmental and Human Biological Samples, Teaming for Interdisciplinary Research Pre-Seed Program, University of Georgia [US$ 3,500] Role: co-PI

2022      Chimborazo: ESPOCH International Conference, International Travel fund of the Provost’s Office and Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, University of Georgia, US [US$ 1,850] Role: PI

2022     MERRIE VOLCANO: MErcury Release during eRuptIons at Etna VOLCANO, Office of Research and Office of Global Engagement, University of Georgia, US [US$ 8,000] Role: PI

2021     BIO-VOLCANO: Rocks, soils, and bioaccumulators as predictors of volcanic eruptions, Teaming for Interdisciplinary Research Pre-Seed Program (University of Georgia) [US$ 4,750] Role: PI

2021     The Role of Deformation in Triggering Volcanic Eruptions, National Science Foundation – Division of Earth Science – Postdoctoral Fellowship to Dr. Amy Ryan (University of Minnesota) [US$ 174,000] Role: Mentor

2020     DE BELLO VULCANICO or The Volcanic War: Forecasting Gas Release versus Retention in Magmas prior to Volcanic Eruptions, UGA Sarah H. Moss Fellowship [US$ 10,000] Role: PI

2020    DIVE: Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE – Phase 1: Drilling into the pre-Permian mafic and felsic lower crust, International Continental Drilling Program Workshop (number 04-2020) [US$ 1,000,000] Role: PI out of six

2020    Felsic melt and gas mobilisation during magma solidification: An experimental study at 1.1 kbar, Swiss National Science Foundation, Open Access Article (PZAC-2_198187) [CHF 2,426] Role: PI

2020     COOLEST VOLCANO: CO2 stOrage and reLEase at Stromboli VOLCANO, Office of Research and Office of Global Engagement, University of Georgia, US [US$ 4,000] Role: PI

2019     Fluids, melts and pressure changes during fracturing of the lower crust, Terrestrial Magmatic System Research Platform, University of Mainz, Germany (co-PI) [€ 8,800] Role: co-PI

2019     Bulk seismic properties of mantle wedge peridotites, Terrestrial Magmatic System Research Platform, University of Mainz, Germany (co-PI) [€ 5,000] Role: co-PI

2019     DE BELLO VULCANICO or The Volcanic War: Forecasting Magma Permeability versus Compressibility and Eruption Magnitude, Swiss National Science Foundation – Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship (PCEFP2_186904) [CHF 999,988] {renounced for the tenure-track Assistant Professorship at the University of Georgia} Role: PI

2017     The Deep Carbon Cycle (DCC) through geological time: An interdisciplinary synthesis of the carbon cycle in the Earth’s lithosphere-biosphere system, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation – Deep Carbon Observatory – DCO Synthesis Proposal (co-PI) [US$ 130,000] Role: co-PI

2016     Petrophysics of the Melt Connectivity Transition: Petrological, Rheological, and Seismic Characterisation of the Continental Moho, Swiss National Science Foundation – Ambizione Fellowship (PZ00P2_168166) [CHF 483,238] Role: PI

2016     Drilling the continental crust to the Moho transition zone (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy), Inter-Continental Drilling Project Workshop (number 17-2016) [US$ 50,000] Role: PI out of three

2014     The Influence of Volatiles on the Interaction of Mafic and Felsic Magmas, Swiss National Science Foundation – Advanced Postdoc Mobility Fellowship (P300P2_154574) [CHF 98,000] PI: PI

2014     Understanding the dynamics of explosive eruptions triggered by mafic intrusions into felsic reservoirs using 4D in situ tomographic microscopy, European Union Transnational Access Programme CALIPSO (number 312284; FP7/2007-2013) [CHF 1,000] Role: PI

2012     The Influence of Volatiles on the Interaction of Mafic and Felsic Magmas, Swiss National Science Foundation – Early Postdoc Mobility Fellowship (PBEZP2_142922) [CHF 43,000] Role: PI

2009-18   Twelve granted proposals for free-of-cost access to synchrotron and nuclear facilities (NEUTRA, SINQ, PSI, Villigen, Switzerland; TOMCAT, SLS, PSI, Villigen, Switzerland; GSECARS, APS, Argonne, IL, USA) [all combined proposals: US$ 720,000] Role: PI


Teaching Grants:

2023     First-Year Odyssey Teaching Award, University of Georgia [US$ 2,500] Role: PI

2022     Lilly Teaching Fellowship, UGA Center For Teaching & Learning [US$ 2,000] Role: PI

2022     Studies of Hazards (SHAZARDS) in Geology, GradFIRST Seminar Program, UGA – Franklin College of Arts & Science [US$ 3,500] Role: PI

2022     MAGMA MIA! Understanding active volcanoes with modern petrology, First-Year Odyssey Program, UGA – Franklin College of Arts & Science [US$ 3,500] Role: PI

2022     Flow or blow? Understanding the physics of gas accumulation leading to explosive volcanic eruptions through experiential learning in lab and class with a gas pycnometer, UGA Learning Technologies Grant [US$ 18,470] Role: PI

2022     Journey into the Earth's interior: exploring the origin, architecture, and dynamics of continents, First-Year Odyssey Program, UGA – Franklin College of Arts & Science [US$ 3,500] Role: PI

2021     Replicating minerals to volcanoes by 3D printing technology: bringing 3D geology across scales into the classroom and in the field, UGA Learning Technologies Grant [US$ 9,984] Role: PI

2021     MAGMA MIA! Understanding active volcanoes with modern petrology, First-Year Odyssey Program, UGA – Franklin College of Arts & Science [US$ 3,500] Role: PI

2021     Writing Fellows, UGA – Center for Teaching and Learning [US$ 1,000] Role: PI

2021     Faculty Interest Group, UGA – Center for Teaching and Learning [US$ 1,000] Role: PI

2020     MAGMA MIA! Understanding active volcanoes with modern petrology, First-Year Odyssey Program, UGA – Franklin College of Arts & Science [US$ 3,842] Role: PI

2020     Rock Digitalization for Optical Microscopy, UGA – Franklin College of Arts & Science [US$ 1,147] Role: PI

2020     4D PETROLAB: A New Digital Frontier for Learning Optical Microscopy of Geological Materials in 3D Space and Real-Time, UGA Learning Technologies Grant [US$ 24,263] Role: PI

Selected Publications:


Sarmiento FO, Haller A, Marchant C, Yoshida M, Leigh DS, Woosnam K, Porinchu DF, Gandhi K, King EG, Pistone M, Kavoori A, Calabria J, Alcántara-Ayala I, Chávez R, Gunya A, Yépez A, Lee S, Reap J (2023) 4D Global Montology: Toward convergent and transdisciplinary mountain sciences across time and space. Pirineos, 178, e075,

Ryan A, Hansen LN, Zimmermann ME, Pistone M (2022) Melt migration in crystal mushes by viscous fingering: insights from high-temperature, high-pressure experiments. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 127, e2022JB024447,

Pistone M, Formo E, Whittington AG, Herbst T, Cottrell E (2022) Direct nanoscale observations of degassing-induced crystallisation in felsic magmas. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 177, 38,

Zahirovic S, Eleish A, Doss S, Pall J, Cannon J, Pistone M, Tetley MG, Young A, Fox P (2022) Subduction and carbonate platform interactions. Geoscience Data Journal, 2022:00, 1-13, https://doi:10.1002/gdj3.146

Pistone M, Fife JL, Tisato N, Caricchi L, Reusser E, Ulmer P, Mader K, Marone F (2021) Seismic attenuation during magma vesiculation: A combination of laboratory constraints and modeling. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL092315,

Pistone M, Ziberna L, Hetényi G, Scarponi M, Zanetti A, Müntener O. (2020) Joint geophysical-petrological modeling on the Ivrea geophysical body beneath Valsesia, Italy: Constraints on the continental lower crust. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21, e2020GC009397,

Pistone M, Caricchi L, Ulmer P, (2020). CO2 favors the accumulation of excess fluids in felsic magmas. Terra Nova, 2020;00:1-9.

Scarponi M, Hetényi G, Berthet T, Baron L, Manzotti P, Petri B, Pistone M, Müntener O. (2020) New gravity data and 3D density model constraints on the Ivrea Geophysical Body (Western Alps). Geophysical Journal International, ggaa263,

Pistone M, Baumgartner LP, Bégué F, Jarvis P, Bloch E, Robyr M, Müntener O, Sisson TW, Blundy, JD. (2020) Felsic melt and gas mobilisation during magma solidification: An experimental study at 1.1 kbar. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 175,

Pistone M, Racek M, Štípska P (2020). Effects of diffusion of water and migration of melts in crustal rocks: an experimental study. Chemical Geology, 540, 119548,

Petri B, Almqvist BSG, Pistone M (2020) 3D rock fabric analysis using micro-tomography: an introduction to the open source TomoFab Matlab code. Computers & Geosciences, 138, 104444,

Kudrna-Prašek M, Pistone M, Baker DR, Sodini N, Marinoni N, Lanzafame G, Mancini L (2018). A compact and flexible induction furnace for in-situ X-ray microradiograhy and computed microtomography at Elettra: characterisation and first tests. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 25, doi:10.1107/S1600577518005970

Pistone M, Müntener O, Ziberna L, Hetényi G, Zanetti A (2017) Report on the ICDP Workshop DIVE (Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE). Scientific Drilling, 23, 47-56,

Pistone M, Whittington AG, Andrews BJ, Cottrell E (2017) Crystal-rich lava dome extrusion during vesiculation: an experimental study. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 347, 1-14,

Morrison S, Pistone M, Kohl L (2017) Studying Yellowstone by integrating deep carbon science. EOS, 98,

Pistone M, Blundy JD, Brooker RA, EIMF (2017). Water transfer during magma mixing events: insights into melt segregation from felsic crystal mushes. American Mineralogist, 102, 766-776,

Zellmer GF, Pistone M, Iizuka Y, Andrews BJ, Gomez-Tuena A, Straub SM, Cottrell E (2016). Petrogenesis of antecryst-bearing arc basalts from the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt: insights into along-arc variations in magma ponding depths, H2O contents, and surface heat flux. American Mineralogist, 101, 2405-2422,

Pistone M, Cordonnier B, Ulmer P, Caricchi L (2016). Rheological flow laws for multiphase magmas: an empirical approach. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 321, 158-170,

Shields J, Mader HM, Caricchi L, Tuffen H, Mueller S, Pistone M, Baumgartner L (2016). Unravelling textural heterogeneity in obsidian: shear-induced outgassing in the Rocche Rosse flow. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 310, 137-158,

Pistone M, Blundy JD, Brooker RA, EIMF (2016). Textural and chemical consequences of interaction between hydrous mafic and felsic magmas: an experimental study. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 171, doi:10.1007/s00410-015-1218-4

Pistone M, Caricchi L, Fife JL, Mader K, Ulmer P (2015). In situ X-ray tomographic microscopy observations of vesiculation of bubble-free and bubble-bearing magmas. Bullettin of Volcanology, 77, doi:10.1007/s00445-015-0992-1

Pistone M, Caricchi L, Cordonnier B, Ulmer P, Marone F (2015). The viscous to brittle transition in bubble- and crystal-bearing magmas. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 3, doi:10.3389/feart.2015.00071

Pistone M, Arzilli F, Dobson KJ, Cordonnier B, Reusser E, Ulmer P, Marone F, Whittington AG, Mancini L, Fife JL, Blundy JD (2015). Gas-driven filter pressing in magmas: insights into in situ melt segregation from crystal mushes. Geology, 43, 699-702,

Shields J, Mader HM, Pistone M, Floess D, Caricchi L, Putlitz B (2014). Strain-induced outgassing of crystal- and bubble-bearing magmas. Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, doi:10.1002/2014JB011111

Pistone M, Caricchi L, Ulmer P, Reusser E, Ardia P (2013). Rheology of volatile-bearing crystal mushes: mobilization vs. viscous death. Chemical Geology, 345, 16-39,

Madonna C, Quintal B, Frehner M, Almqvist BSG, Tisato N, Pistone M, Marone F, Saenger E (2013), Synchrotron-based X-ray tomographic microscopy for rock microstructure investigations, Geophysics, 78, D53-D64, doi: 10.1190/geo2012-0113.1

Pistone M, Caricchi L, Ulmer P, Burlini L, Ardia P, Reusser E, Marone F, Arbaret L (2012). Deformation experiments of bubble- and crystal-bearing magmas: rheological and microstructural analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, doi:10.1029/2011JB008986

Cordonnier B, Caricchi L, Pistone M, Castro J, Hess K-U, Gottschaller S, Manga M, Dingwell DB, Burlini L (2012). Direct observation of magma rupture and healing. Geology, 40, 611-615,

Fife JL, Rappaz M, Pistone M, Celcer T, Mikuljan G, Stampanoni M (2012). Development of a laser-based heating system for in-situ synchrotron-based X-ray tomographic microscopy. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 19, 352-358, doi:10.1107/S0909049512003287 [This study on volume cover]

Caricchi L, Pommier A, Pistone M, Castro J, Burgisser A, Perugini D (2011). Strain-induced magma degassing: insights from simple-shear experiments on bubble bearing melts. Bulletin of Volcanology, 73, 1245-1257, doi10.1007/s00445-011-0471-2

Books (*), book chapters (**), and editorials (***):

** Jarvis PA, Pistone M, Secretan A, Blundy JD, Cashman KV, Mader HM, Baumgartner LP (2021). Crystal and volatile controls on the mixing and mingling of magmas. In Masotta M (ed), Crustal Magmatic System Evolution: Anatomy, Architecture and Physico-Chemical Processes, AGU Book,

*** Cardace D, Bower DJ, Daniel I, Ionescu A, Mikhail S, Pistone M, Zahirovic S (2020) Editorial: Deep Carbon Science. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 611295, https://doi:10.3389/feart.2020.611295

* Pistone M, Taisne B, Dobson K, eds. (2020). Volumes, Timescales, and Frequency of Magmatic Processes in the Earth’s Lithosphere – Part I and II. Frontiers in Earth Science, Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA, doi:10.3389/978-2-88963-777-5

*** Pistone M, Taisne B, Dobson KJ (2020) Editorial: Volumes, Timescales, and Frequency of Magmatic Processes in the Earth’s Lithosphere. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 118, doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.00118

Data Repositories:

Pistone M, Fife JL, Tisato N, Caricchi L, Reusser E, Ulmer P, Mader K, Marone F (2021) Tomographic data from GRL paper on "Seismic attenuation during magma vesiculation: A combination of laboratory constraints and modeling". Paul Scherrer Institut,

Pistone M, Fife JL, Tisato N, Caricchi L, Reusser E, Ulmer P, Mader K, Marone F (2021) Table 1 from GRL paper on "Seismic attenuation during magma vesiculation: A combination of laboratory constraints and modeling". Zenodo,

Pistone M, Ziberna L, Hetényi G, Scarponi M, Zanetti A, Müntener O. (2020) Data Tables from contribution titled "Joint geophysical-petrological modeling on the Ivrea geophysical body beneath Valsesia, Italy: Constraints on the continental lower crust" published in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Zenodo,, doi:10.5281/zenodo.4247516.


Zellmer GF, Pistone M, Iizuka Y, Andrews BJ, Gómez-Tuena A, Straub SM, Cottrell E (2016) Petrogenesis of antecryst-bearing arc basalts from the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt:  Insights into along-arc variations in magma-mush ponding depths, H2O contents, and surface heat flux. American Mineralogist, 101, 2405-2422, Erratum DOI:

Courses Regularly Taught:
Of note:

2024     2024-2025 Geological Society of America – Continental Scientific Drilling Distinguished Lecturer

2023    First-Year Odyssey Teaching Award

2023    M.G. Michael Award, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, University of Georgia

2021    2021-2023 Lilly Teaching Fellowship of UGA

2020    Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Award by the Editorial Board of Lithos, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2019    Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Award by the Editorial Board of the Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2017    Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Award by the Editorial Board of the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2014    EU Transnational Access Programme CALIPSO Award

2012    Outstanding Young Scientist Award by the Earth Magnetism and Rock Physics Division of the EGU (

2008    Excellence Award for Master Students of Earth Sciences, La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy

Articles Featuring Mattia Pistone

UGA Geology is the first overseas collaborator in the Transnational and National Access (TNA-NOA) program part of the MEET project (Monitoring Earth's Evolution and Tectonics)

Dr. Mattia Pistone, University of Georgia: “Moho Mission to the Foundation of Continents: The ICDP DIVE Drilling Project”

Diving into the roots of continents: Completion of the Phase 1 of scientific drilling of the ICDP-sponsored DIVE project

The excess gas paradox at volcanoes: does CO2 favor gas accumulation in mafic magmas?

Seeking a highly motivated PhD-level graduate student to investigate the factors that control the competition between gas retention and release in magmas, which, in turn, influence how volcanoes erupt.

TEDxUGA 2023: Roots!

The DIVE (Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE) sponsored by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) started the scientific drilling in the site of Ornavasso in Val d’Ossola (Alps, Italy) on the Geodiversity International Day (October 6,…

UGA Research News – Environment section entitled: “Mattia Pistone travels through human & geological time”

The Office of Research, in partnership with the Office of the Provost, provides “pre-seed” funding to facilitate the formation of faculty teams and collaboration around critical areas of research expertise or emerging research topics.

Volcanologists from the University of Georgia (Dr. Pistone) and two Swiss universities found a link between carbon dioxide and the volume of gas trapped in magma, which could help predict the intensity and magnitude of a volcanic eruption.

UGA Today -…

Dr. Mattia Pistone has been funded for the DIVE (Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE) project, which aims at unravelling the chemistry, physics, and microbiology of the roots of the Earth’s continental crust and the crust–mantle transition in the Ivrea–Verbano Zone…

The Sarah Moss Fellowship is to provide to early career University of Georgia faculty a "broad outlook and acquaintance with conditions and standards in other parts of the world”.  Assistant Professor Dr.

Events featuring Mattia Pistone
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom

This event has been postponed - reschedule date TBD


Speaker: Mattia Pistone

Host: Bruce Railsback

This is a hybrid event, if you are unable to join us in…
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom

Speaker: Dr. Mattia Pistone  

Title: Moho Mission to the Foundation of Continents: The ICDP DIVE Drilling Project

Hosted by: Christian Klimczak



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