A field course for environmental geologists, archaeologists, hydrologists, architects, engineers, and all who deal with Earth's near-surface
Course Format: Students learn the basic theory and operate geophysical instruments that are particularly suited to the characterization of shallow geological, sedimentological and hydrological features many of which have environmental, archaeologic al or engineering significance. The students complete an intensive 3 week, 3-4 hours/day course in the use of magnetic (MAG), electro-magnetic (EM), and radar (GPR) geophysical instruments. Additionally the student will use Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers to determine geographic location and will process data in a variety of display software. The objective is to create in the student a basic competence in the systems used such that they will be able to apply the specific techniques in other settings beyond that of the tutorial.
Course Setting: The students will alternate between lecture and field settings. Lecture periods will be held in the Geography, Geology, & Speech buildings (GGS) on the UGA campus. Most field problems will be held at the Scull Shoals historic area in the U.S. Forest Service's research forest located in Greene County, 25 miles from campus. One or two additional sites - possibly a landfill or dump site - will be visited, time and weather permitting. Transportation will be provided for field sessions.
Credit: 3 semester hours
Cost & Registration: Approximately $50/hour.
All students must be admitted to the university; those who are not should register before April 30.
Instructor: Dr. Ervan Garrison, Professor, Geology & Anthropology
Request application and information from:
Dr. Ervan Garrison
Department of Geology
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-2501
Phone: (706)542-1097